
Awesome Kustomize list - Kubernetes

After 3 years of using Kustomize intensively to manage Kubernetes manifests, I just created a list of "Awesome Kustomize" resources 🤩️

If you are using Kubernetes, this repo will be a pretty good starting point for Kustomize plugins, guides, tips and tricks, and more.

Kustomize is not a new tool, it started in 2018, and now it's built into "kubectl" (since v1.14), which means it's now considered the official method to deal with advanced Kubernetes scenarios (e.g., GitOps).

If you are SysOps, DevOps, SRE, or anyone working intensively with Kubernetes, you definitely should read more about Kustomize!

Also, if you just use "kubectl" or Helm, then consider using Kustomize. It could help you in many different ways (it's not a replacement for Helm, you can use both).

Follow the repo to get the updates 🚀️


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Hello, my name is Ahmed AbouZaid, I'm a passionate Tech Lead DevOps Engineer. 👋

With 16+ years of open-source contributions, 12+ years of professional hands-on experience in DevOps, and an M.Sc. in Data Engineering from Edinburgh Napier University (UK), I enjoy facilitating the growth of both businesses and individuals.

I specialize in Cloud-Native and Kubernetes. I'm also a Free/Open source geek and book author. My favorite topics are DevOps transformation, automation, data, and metrics.

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