Last month in Ansible Berlin meetup, I had a session about my experience with writing an external inventory script from scratch for Netbox
Introduction to InfluxDB and TICK Stack - Presentation
Ahmed AbouZaid
DevOps, Presentation, TICK stack
Last week in CrossEngage Academy we had another session. This time it was by me, about my favorite stack so far (after using it for 2 years it's still!), InfluxDB and TICK Stack!
Netbox dynamic inventory script for Ansible - Python
Ahmed AbouZaid
Ansible, DevOps, Python
I use Ansible however and whenever I have a chance to do, because Ansible rocks! However nowadays I don't use Ansible as a main configuration management tool at work (but SaltStack).
Ansible's "Dynamic inventory" is one of nice features,
Book Summary 02: High Performance Browser Networking - Part3 (HTTP)
Ahmed AbouZaid
Books, DevOps, Summary

Your first PyPI package - Python
Ahmed AbouZaid
Ansible, DevOps, Python
In last month I worked on a side project, which is Netbox dynamic inventory script for Ansible.
After I finished 85% of unittest coverage, I moved forward to
Update htpasswd if changed only - SaltStack
Ahmed AbouZaid
DevOps, SaltStack, Tips and Tricks
SaltStack has a lot of states and modules, an each one has different options, but some times the state/module doesn't support a certain function, so you have to use another
Mimic "now + time" in schedule state - SaltStack
Ahmed AbouZaid
DevOps, SaltStack
SaltStack has a schedule state that allows you to manage scheduled jobs on client (Minion), and it's very handy to manage cron style job.
But sometimes you could need to run a job once, in other words,
Hello, my name is Ahmed AbouZaid, I'm a passionate Tech Lead DevOps Engineer. 👋
I specialize in Cloud-Native and Kubernetes. I'm also a Free/Open source geek and book author. My favorite topics are DevOps transformation, DevSecOps, automation, data, and metrics.
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Finally, 2024 is over! Another crazy year but I like it! 🤩 This year was a bit chill compared to previous ones, but also I ...

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