Last year I started to read this nice book "
High Performance Browser Networking", which I really love its slogan "
What every web developer should know about Networking and Browser Performance!". So I did part 1 summary
first 4 chapters - Networking 101.
Then I jumped to part 3 - HTTP, and I did highlight the important points to summaries it, but unfortunately I didn't have time to write it down.
About The Book:
- Name: High Performance Browser Networking.
- Author: Ilya Grigorik - Web performance engineer and developer advocate on the Make The Web Fast team at Google.
- Description: How prepared are you to build fast and efficient web applications? This eloquent book provides what every web developer should know about the network, from fundamental limitations that affect performance to major innovations for building even more powerful browser applications - including HTTP 2.0 and XHR improvements, Server-Sent Events (SSE), WebSocket, and WebRTC.
Part3 - HTTP (CH 9-13)
Ch13. Optimizing application delivery.
- You have control over certain parts like server side stuff, but not the client or the network between both sides, so do your best on that area.
- Physics is always limited! The connection is limited by speed of light, distance between 2 sides, and the medium.
- Latency is a main player.
- Apart if physical limitations, you should always use latest pest practices of TCP and LTS.
- Then we move up to application layer "HTTP", there are 3 important things:
- Work around the limitations of HTTP 1.x.
- Learn how to levarage new performance enhancements in HTTP 2.0.
- Vigilant about applying the evergreen performance best practices.
- Evergreen performance best practices (you need to search and read more about each point):
- Reduce DNS lookups.
- Reuse TCP connections.
- Minimize number of HTTP redirects.
- Reduce roundtrip times (e.g. use CDN).
- Eliminate unnecessary resources.
- Cache resources on the client.
- Compress assets during transfer.
- Eliminate unnecessary request bytes.
- Parallelize request and response processing.
- Help the browser, it helps you. Try to provide a hints and don't hide resources to/from the browser (check Browser optimization section).
- HTTP 1.x optimizations:
- Leverage HTTP pipelining - in case you have control over both sides client and server you can make it better.
- Apply domain sharding - split the resources over more than 1 domain to avoid http parallel connection limit.
- Bundle resources to reduce HTTP requests - less round trips means better performance, so make less requests.
- Inline small resources - no connections is better than less connections, so embedding small resources in the main document could save a lot of time.
- Best performance tweak for HTTP 1.x? Upgrade to HTTP 2.0!
- HTTP 2.0 optimizations. As you see, HTTP 1.x has a big issue with transport performance and which reflects on latency and throughput.
- Remove HTTP 1.x optimizations - surprise! All tweaks for HTTP 1.x are bad for HTTP 2.0, get rid of them!
- Minimize any bundling like image spriting, and JS files.
- Use server push and void inline resources, so you can get use of caching for all resources.
- Consolidate as many resources to a single domain.