After using SaltStack for around 3 years, it has also been almost a year since became part of SaltStack formulas maintainers. I'd like to
Detailed log view - Git
Ahmed AbouZaid
Git, Tips and Tricks
Sometimes ago, I found a nice Git combination. Which's really handy, and I use it a lot to have a pretty log overview.
SaltStack Pillar as Terraform external data source - Python
Ahmed AbouZaid
Python, SaltStack, Terraform
SaltStack is more than a configuration management tool, SaltStack Pillar could have a lot of data which may be needed somewhere else, e.g. Terraform!
So to avoid duplications, and after
Writing Apache Flume plugin for Telegraf - Golang
Ahmed AbouZaid
Golang, InfluxDB, TICK stack
At the beginning of this year while working with Data science team, we had a use case where Apache Flume fits in. But first let me quote this from
Test configuration management and infrastructure code - CI
Nowadays infrastructure as code became a de facto! IaC is used intensively in the tech world everyday! And since IaC is just a "code" at the end, so it also needs to be tested to make sure everything is working as expected and
How contributing to Open-source made me a better DevOps - Presentation
Ahmed AbouZaid
DevOps, Open-source, Presentation
Last week, I had a nice session where I talked about how participating in Open-source made me a better DevOps. Which actually started not just as a professional system engineer, but
Hello, my name is Ahmed AbouZaid, I'm a passionate Tech Lead DevOps Engineer. 👋
I specialize in Cloud-Native and Kubernetes. I'm also a Free/Open source geek and book author. My favorite topics are DevOps transformation, DevSecOps, automation, data, and metrics.
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Research Paper: Building a Modern Data Platform Based on the Data Lakehouse Architecture and Cloud-Native Ecosystem
Finally, after months of hard work, I have published my first research paper in a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal by the in...

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