

Become a DevOps Engineer with the Dynamic DevOps Roadmap - Career

A couple of months ago, I discussed why all linear DevOps learning roadmaps are broken by default (like roadmap.sh/devops)! In that post, I've discussed the issue, where it comes from, and the solution I tried for over 5 years! The solution is simply switching to an MVP-style learning roadmap...
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DevOps is not only a culture - Discussion Panel

Today is my second session JobStack 2023 after my previous one yesterday titled "Platform Engineering: Manage your infrastructure using Kubernetes and Crossplane", but this time it was a discussion panel with Ahmad Aabed (CTO of Zyda). For a long time, DevOps methodologies have...
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Platform Engineering: Manage your infrastructure using Kubernetes and Crossplane - Presentation

Just fresh out of the kitchen, part of JobStack 2023, today I conducted a session about a great tool ... Crossplane, the open-source control plane! I've been using Crossplane for over a year and a half, and it helped me a lot to manage my infrastructure without the need to use Terraform (I still...
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🔀Merger🔀, a schemaless strategic merge plugin - Kustomize

Kustomize is a great tool. I've been using Kustomize for almost 4 years and am happy with it. However, it's known for its strict merging methods, where it needs to have an OpenAPI schema to merge files properly. There were many use cases where I needed a more flexible way...
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Helm chart keyless signing with Sigstore/Cosign - DevSecOps

Software supply chain security has been one of the hot topics because of the continues attacks and exploits shown in the latest few years. So having a proper security practices like signing artifacts in today's CI/CD pipeline is not a luxury! Which became a standard DevSecOps practice. However,...
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My Master's Dissertation: Modern Data Platform with DataOps, Kubernetes, and Cloud-Native Ecosystem

Almost 3 years ago (September 2020), I enrolled in a part-time master's program in data engineering at Edinburgh Napier University. Finally, two weeks ago, I got an email informing me that I successfully completed my master's and the program board of examiners awarded me Master of Science...
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KubeconformValidator, my first Kustomize validator plugin - Golang

TL;DR In the past, Kustomize suggested using transformers to validate resources, but later, it introduced validators, which are like transformers but read-only. Say Hi to KubeconformValidator, a plugin built around Kubeconform to validate manifests schema within Kustonize...
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Hello, my name is Ahmed AbouZaid, I'm a passionate Tech Lead DevOps Engineer. 👋

I specialize in Cloud-Native and Kubernetes. I'm also a Free/Open source geek and book author. My favorite topics are DevOps transformation, DevSecOps, automation, data, and metrics.

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Research Paper: Building a Modern Data Platform Based on the Data Lakehouse Architecture and Cloud-Native Ecosystem

Finally, after months of hard work, I have published my first research paper in a double-blind peer-reviewed scientific journal by the in...

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